How to study and work part-time

Friday, October 21, 2016 Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello peeps! I am sure many of you are wondering about working while studying at university. You must have witnessed the on-campus job fair at the JHB building in Week 2.

I have been working part time since my undergraduate studies, in multiple positions, employed by the university. Here are some tips for you to consider a part time job.

Why work ?
The main reason I work is to have a better time management between studies, extra curricular activities and personal life. To concentrate all my time in studies alone is one-dimensional and monotonous. Through work, I find time to relax and unwind from the pressure of studies, and sometimes I get inspiration from the outside world.

The extra income helps cover my food and travel expenditure. And some occasional treat for myself :) This is especially useful to architecture students who need to spend on expensive field trips. This self-earned pocket money helps to relief the financial burden of your parents/guardians/student loan.

You will be more independent, responsible and disciplined in terms of time and money management. You will be more aware of the hard work of earning money and spending wisely. You build transferable (EQ) skills by turning up at work on time and practicing good work ethics with your colleagues.

Special employee privileges - free food, travel and discounts.

Where to work ? 
1.  Oxford Brookes University
Some of the positions offered at the university are : student ambassador, open days student helper, store assistant (Colonnade and Starbucks), academic support worker, research assistant, OBIS assistant, etc. There are weekly careers events in the university. You could find work on the Brookes website and Careers centre in the JHB building. You could also consult your academic advisors.

2. Retail, food and beverage outlets in nearby towns such as Headington, Cowley and city centre. Bicester Village also offers sales assistant jobs.

3. Free lance jobs related to your course : architectural assistant, hospital attachment, lecturer assistant.

Yes, work but ...
strike a balance between your studies and job. Do not get too indulged in earning money till you neglect your studies and health. If you are struggling to cope with studies and job, explain to your manager that you need to trim your working time. University education is the door to your ambition, a part time job helps to ease the financial route.

And save ! This is the time to build your short-term and long-term financial plan. Be responsible in your expenditure and savings, do not rely entirely on your parents and always plan for the rainy days.

University is the transition time from a teenager to an adult. Time to grow up to be an independent and wise person. Yup, bitter, tough and challenging but exciting!

* International students are restricted to 20 hours maximum per week, and a national insurance number is a must!

Good luck in finding a part-time work and enjoy it!